Family law is a field that encompasses many emotional issues that may have long-term impacts for years to come. Mirotznik & Associates, LLC handles all types of family law matters including child support, spousal support, and child custody. Whether you are looking for an initial determination on any of these issues, or want to modify or enforce an existing determination, we are here to advise you and fight for you.
If there is a pre-existing award of child support or spousal support and the circumstances of yourself or your adversary have changed substantially, we can petition the court for an upward modification (where you will collect more support from your adversary) or a downward modification (where your weekly or monthly payments will be decreased). Whatever relief you are requesting, your rights will only be secured once the application is filed with the court, so it is important to contact an attorney immediately.
When dealing with a child custody case, there are different types of custody available. Based upon the circumstances of your case, your best option may be sole custody or joint custody which applies to both the legal custody and physical custody of your child(ren). Every case is different. We will analyze the facts of your case, advise you as to the best option for you, and fight on your behalf to make it happen.
Please contact us today for help with your family court matter.